What Kinds of face masks are best for you to wear?


Although the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests that people are usually wearing cloth masks with at least two layers, this is virtually not good for healthcare workers. Some of the major problems regarding the availability of paper masks for healthcare workers and lack of resources in particular areas.

This type of face mask is normally referred to as a medical-surgical mask that filters out large particles. They are suitable for protecting the wearer’s nose and mouth from contact with splashes containing germs.

Benefits of wearing face masks 

Medical-grade disposable face masks work better than cloth masks at protecting others. There have been a number of reasons to emphasize the efficacy of disposable masks. Terms of N95 and the three-layered surgical masks provide infinite protection.

Disposable face masks help prevent cross-contamination. You have to ensure that you are always wearing a clean mask. Cloth masks are like dresses; you can’t share them with anyone and don’t wear them.

Damage from wear and tear is not the concern in disposable masks; there is no chance of degradation of masks over time and prone to exposure of extreme moisture from the mouth and nose.

You don’t have to wash it before use because they don’t hold moisture and are not prone to dirt, thus staying fresh every time.

Although these face masks are intended to be worn once, it is good from the protective point of view. Believe it or not, the amount of time wearing masks vastly matters in protecting against wearing masks. Almost every China disposable face mask manufacturer is working towards improving the disposable quality, making it more protective for use. 
